Thursday, 10 January 2013

C in W: Going for broke

This is a view of the future for the Archbishop of Wales. Women priests and gay bishops in a thoroughly modern setting, bending the church to the fancy of an atheistic society. But will the church survive long enough under the gospel of Barry to achieve his ambitions?

As he continues his political campaigns the Church in Wales struggles to survive. It has been announced in a Press Release today that a group of five people will examine how radical proposals for the Church in Wales can be delivered: "They will look at recommendations made to the Church following an independent review, which took place across Wales last year, and advise the Church on how they can be taken forward." There are recommendations about Governance (I & II), Ministry areas and Team leadership (III) to (VII), Cathedrals (VIII), Leadership training (IX & X), Clergy support (XI), Young people and outreach (XII & XIII), Worship and outreach (XIV), Ministry training (XV to XXI), Dioceses (XXII to XXV), Administration (XXVI), The archiepiscopal see (XXVII to XXIX), Church Buildings (XXX to XXXIII), Finance (XXXIV to XLI), Fees (XLII to XLIV), The Welsh language (XLV), Mission and ministry (XLVI to XLVII), Bishop and archbishop elections (XLVIII), Constitution (XLIX) and Leadership for change (L). 

There has already been a mixed response. From the Diocese of St David'sThere was a general feeling that the Province had not sufficiently taken into account the current developments and thinking within the individual Dioceses and the ongoing review of their mission and ministry and vision for the future. It was also considered that the short time frame in which the Diocese was expected to discuss such a large and comprehensive review was not conducive to allow a full discussion of all the issues. I previously reported here that things had got off to a bad start in Dr Morgan's own diocese of Llandaff. But one recommendation has now been achieved, the implementation of Recommendation L: the formation of a small working group charged with processing the changes! Only 49 to go.

Looking at the make up of the working group I see it is to be chaired by a Welsh NHS professional with a business consultant and a market researcher joined by a bishop to say the opening and closing prayers and a vicar perhaps to take the minutes. Whatever the clergy's functions they are outweighed 3 to 2 by business orientated laity, currently a sensitive subject in the C of E, but we must wish them well because my understanding is that even parish officers in the Church in Wales have not heard of the Harries Review let alone comprehend it. But it was an 'independent' review carried out under the chairmanship of Archbishop Morgan's friend and co-conspirator, both of whom are determined to change Anglicanism into a Protestant sect. There lies another problem. The former Bishop of Oxford has a problem with understanding the meaning of the word trust. Doesn't augur well!

An interesting description of the review group here. It highlights that "a business consultant and PR and marketing experts have been included [sic] in the group to look at radical shake-up plans for the Church in Wales". Just what the modern church needs! But some spirituality is catered for. The Church in Wales is working in partnership with Good Relations Wales in Teleos which sees spirituality as "a creative and crucial dimension of enlightened organisations and their cultural architecture". The link? Helen Birtwhistle aka Helen Biggin, Chair of the new group.

Personally I find the Gospel more than adequate. 


  1. Don't you think it's time to look elsewhere for spiritual succour? The Church in Wales, the Chuch of England come to that, are going down a path so slippery that will be no hope or chance of turning back. I doubt that they even want to. And from your recent posts, you seem to be getting more and more annoyed. I feel for you and am rather worried either your health or your faith might get damaged in all this.

    1. Thank you for your concern Terry. I have been thinking about your comment and you are correct. I have become more annoyed, largely because of the reaction of bishops, clergy and laity to the lost vote in Synod and the misrepresentation thereafter. My initial annoyance has turned to despair.

      This resulted from the blatant reneging on promises made to Anglicans in England and Wales when it was decided to accept women for ordination. More particularly it was the realisation that the Archbishops had abandoned us for the sake of feminist orthodoxy. But have no fear, my faith and my wife's greater despair for her sex sustains me.

  2. Ancient Briton, it is reported from the northen hills of Bangor diocese that communicants are leaving the church in droves every week, particularly those of the Welsh congregations. Celebration of the mass in Welsh (1984) outside 'Bazzer's' and 'the boy bishop' jurisdiction are now regular occurances. Rumour has it that one mass has around 50 of the faithful every Sunday.

    Be patient Father Briton. Following a hefty breakfast this morning I have arranged to travel north and meet my contact in a remote outpost called 'Piss-heli' or was it 'Pwth-heli'. Excuse my Welsh!

    I will report back on my return this evening my fellow pilgrim bloger, when I hope to be in a position to enlighten your many readers concerning this strange and disturbing phenomena. Meanwhile, may all your camels be full of water.

    1. The exodus of the Welsh speaking faithful appear to be discontent concerning many things.

      Apart from the low standard of worship where anything seems to go, there is the issue of an almost ethnic cleansing of the Welsh language within the Church in Wales to the broken promises made to traditionalist's by Bazzar and the 'Bench Sitters'.

      To cap it all, Bazzar has now set up his life long friend, 'Diazipan Dave' to muster support for safe same sex marriage,(see Golwg Jan 2013) before 'His Darknes' retires. Hopefully soon, though pigs are expected to be able to fly by then! More traditionalists breakaway gatherings are predicted.

      Finally, there is a spiritual weather forecast. The Lord will reign throughout 2013.

  3. I am appalled at some of the names that appear on this group. Is there no better in the Church in Wales
