Monday, 2 April 2012

What next for Egypt and the Copts?

Khairat al-Shater (24 January 2012)
Muslim Brotherhood's Khairat al-Shater

Egypt was a cradle of Christianity long before Islam took hold after the Muslim invasion in the 7th Century A.D. The Coptic Church has since been persecuted to the extent that Christians are now a small minority under constant threat - the plight of Christian communities throughout the Middle East. You can read of their plight hereEgypt's Arab Spring advanced the cause of the Muslim Brotherhood aided by their vow not to contest the Presidential elections. That has been changed raising fears that they cannot be trusted. Some suggest that the Muslim vote will split  as a consequence but whatever happens, if minorities are not protected the Muslim Brotherhood will be seen as betraying the trust of those who supported them.

Shariah Law Is Ultimate Goal of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Presidential Candidate.

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