Monday, 1 August 2011

An Ordinariate in Wales (2)

Way back in December 2010 anyone interested in exploring the development of an Ordinariate in Wales was asked to register on a new blog. Since then, nothing! But it appears that the seeds planted may be about to germinate.

Before leaving for his Summer holiday, Fr Michael Gollop left this tantalising comment on his Blog:

"While the blog is quiet for the next few weeks, you could do worse than keep an eye on the Welsh Ordinariate site (link on the right). A usually reliable source tells me to expect some kind of announcement about future developments after the middle of the month. See you in September!"

In February 2010 the Telegraph's Damian Thompson published an article under the title "Why it doesn't matter if the Pope's Ordinariate for ex-Anglicans is small at first". Since then there have been many developments In England with those in Wales apparently left out in the cold. Perhaps things are about to change. From little acorns....!

As suggested, I for one shall be watching this space.

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